The Presets The Presets - Fast Seconds

Fast seconds
Fast minutes
Fast century

Forty four seconds away
And I head close to it
Leaving for the weekend

Time to follow the world
A world that's passed away
Disappeared in fast seconds

Coco, seca, kilo
Mili, mega, micro, giga
Forever ever more
Nano, tera, pico
Femto, exa, peta
Forever ever more
Centi, kilo, mili
Mega, micro giga
Forever ever more
Shaka, Renu, Trudi, Tytu, go slow

Time moves forward
In colors glorious
Over to the future

If nothing lasts forever
This can't last tonight, together

Fast seconds
Fast minutes
Fast century

31, 30, 29, (...) 3, 2, 1

Coco, seca, kilo
Mili, mega, micro, giga
Forever ever more
Nano, tera, pico
Femto, exa, peta
Forever ever more
Centi, kilo, mili
Mega, micro giga
Forever ever more
Shaka, Renu, Trudi, Tytu, go slow

Fast seconds
Fast minutes
Fast century